A new edition of this popular textbook, which presents a unique and interactive approach to nursing ethics using cases, discussion questions and summaries to foster the development of a wide range of ethical skills and intelligences.
- Undergraduate and postgraduate student nurses
- Staff nurses undertaking post-registration programmes
Foreword by Professor Ann Gallagher
Section One: The Patient–Nurse Relationship
Chapter 1: Autonomy and Beneficence
Chapter 2: Informed Consent to Nursing and Medical Procedures
Chapter 3: Truthful Conversations
Chapter 4: Respecting Patient Confidentiality
Section Two: Living and Dying
Chapter 5: Abortion and the Law
Chapter 6: Companying the Dying
Section Three: Nursing Ethically
Chapter 7: Ethics of Healthcare Research
Chapter 8: Moral Disagreement and Distress
Chapter 9: Traditional Moral Theories
Chapter 10: Contemporary Moral Theories
1. Gillick Competence
2. Advance Directives
a) Sample Form of a General Advance Directive
b) Advance Decision to Refuse Specified Medical Treatment:
for Jehovah’
Dolores Dooley MA, PhD is a lecturer in Healthcare Ethics and Law at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
Joan McCarthy MA, PhD is a lecturer in Healthcare Ethics in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Cork.
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